Сегодня я расскажу об осенней коллекции Into the Woods американского инди-бренда Spell Polish, которая поступит в продажу 11 ноября на официальном сайте. Продолжение этой коллекции намечено на весну. К каждому лаку идет небольшая стихотворная подводка, все вместе они образуют поэму, если вы знаете английский, думаю, вам будет интересно ее прочитать. Я люблю коллекции с душой и историей, поэтому свотчила ее с огромным удовольствием.
Today i'll tell you about the Into the Woods collection by Spell Polish which launches 11/11/2016. This is a "Part 1" collection, and there will be a sequel this spring. All the nail polishes are inspired by the colors of the woods (and the story). I'm fond of the collections with a soul if you know what i mean and that's why it was a great pleasure to swatch this one.
Into the Woods - изумрудно-зеленый шиммер с небольшой голографией. Все лаки, кроме глиттера (о нем ниже) достаточно плотные и можно красить даже в один слой, но я по привычке нанесла два и покрыла топом. Может окрасить кожу и ногти, поэтому обязательно воспользуйтесь базой и запаситесь ватными дисками.
Into the Woods is an emerald shimmery holo. The nail polishes in this collection (except the glitter) are opaque enough to wear in one coat but i put two just in case and used a top coat. This one may stain your nails and skin so a base coat is a must.
One late afternoon we struck out on our own
For a walk through the woods in back of our home.
Our cat followed suit to take part in the trip—
with a lantern and tools, we were fully equipped.
Tangled Trees - травянисто-зеленый крем с розовым шиммером и разноцветной слюдой.
Tangled Trees is a fern green creme with a pink shimmer and multichrome flakes.
We entered the wood and felt the still of the air-
We heard sounds of creatures coo everywhere.
The path was worn smooth from the walkers’ dense tread,
And tall, tangled trees formed a canopy overhead.
Magical Roots - фуксийно-розовый крем с серебряной слюдой.
Magical Roots is a cranberry fuchsia creme with silver flakes.
Under the ground was a magical world
Of burrows and tunnels and roots yet unfurled.
The floor was alive from its movement below
And as the light dimmed, it gave off its own glow.
Raven's Kraa - черное желе с разноцветным голографическим глиттером в виде палочек и шестиугольников и золотым шиммером. Его я нанесла в три слоя и покрыла топом.
Raven's Kraa is a black jelly loaded with iridescent holo glitters (hexagons and bars) and gold shimmer. Below three coats and top coat.
Suddenly we heard the raven’s loud kraa,
and spotted a ruby in the clutch of its claw.
The raven swooped down and we followed its tail
It led us quite far, then we veered off the trail.
Abandoned Treehouse - красно-коричневый крем с золотой и разноцветной слюдой.
Abandoned Treehouse is a burgundy brown creme with gold and multichrome flakes.
We ran through the woods with the speed of a mouse
Until the bird perched on an abandoned treehouse.
The woodwork was old but elaborate and rare—
This house had been built with such ornamental flair!
Foggy Windows - желтовато-коричневый крем с розовым микрошиммером и медным микроглиттером.
Foggy Windows is a fawn brown creme with a pink microshimmer and copper microglitter.
The steps spiraled upward to reach a large door
With two foggy windows and a knocker of ore.
Our cat sidled up the dilapidated stair
And gave three swift knocks with a valiant air.
Golden Axe - оранжево-золотистый металлик с серебряной слюдой.
Golden Axe is a red to gold multichrome with silver flakes.
The door opened slowly with loud creaks and cracks
yet the only thing there was an old woodsman’s axe.
In a hickory stump sat its sharp golden blade,
With a finely carved handle and rubies inlaid.
Queen Adeline is a dark lavender creme with a bright purple flash and gold flakes.
A large stone was missing from the axe’s thick base,
but the raven descended and nudged it in place.
“Come,” sang the raven, “there isn’t much time!”
“You must slay the trees trapping Queen Adeline!”
True Warriors - красный линейный голографик.
True Warriors is a red linear holographic.
Right at that moment the axe glowed bright red
And rollicked above our mesmerized heads!
So I seized the fine handle and set for the game,
Then we raced like true warriors to free the noble dame.
Предоставлено на обзор Spell Polish
Provided for review by Spell Polish
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